Thursday, January 3, 2008

The Eugene V. Debs Chorus Line on the David Letterman Show

Previous Entry The Eugene V. Debs Chorus Line on the David Letterman Show Jan. 3rd, 2008 @ 11:03 am Next Entry
If it works for you watch the monologue here. (Unfortunately, CBS has not yet learned how to put up video that does not skip when used in Firefox or by low information transfer modems) Use the official connection if you can.

David Letterman. Behind Letterman is a chorus line of picketers with WGA strike posters. Letterman called the group the "Eugene V. Debs". The writers who wrote the joke may not know but this was once used as a vaudeville joke circa 1912. The joke went something like this. I hear the debutants are all suffragettes. Not only that they vote socialist. They call themselves the Eugene Debs".

Old jokes never die they just take on new meaning.

Number One on David Letterman's Top Ten list for 2 January 2008: "Producers must immediately remove their heads from their asses."

Jerry Monaco
music: Help Save the Youth of America - Billy Bragg

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